
How to score a free seat when flying with a Lap Child

There is nothing worse than being next to a screaming child on a long flight… That is unless that screaming...

How WSDOT Cost Tax Payers Over $5 Million Last Weekend

Similar to many others, I took advantage of Memorial Day Weekend and traveled. I even took the day off so I...

The annoying customer spectrum

There have been several instances in my career where I have asked the question, “Who is the customer?” If you...

Ideas are cheap

I think most of us have a list of ideas or various business ventures whether in our head or on...

Facebook Authentication with Windows 10 (Universal Apps) and C#

I previously have used the Facebook SDK for .NET to authenticate users in my applications. After creating my first Universal App for Windows...

What Makes a Great Product Manager?

I recently read a book a friend gave me titled, Inspired: How to make products customers love by Marty Cagan. This...

The Product Manager Reading List

  Despite the ambiguous title and many responsibilities that make up a Product Manager / Program Manager one of the fundamentals...

WeMo fail…

  Home automation has always been something that has fascinated me. With IFTTT and other sites connecting the world through...

Scope of responsibility

After I got married I felt an overarching drive to be able to provide for my family. This is the...