Scope of responsibility


After I got married I felt an overarching drive to be able to provide for my family. This is the number one reason that I ended up going to grad school and what ultimately led me down the career path that I’m in today. I would not have wanted it any other way. It has been a month since we welcomed the little guy above into the world. People can tell you the trials of a newborn, and how lack of sleep will wear you down (I mean this is a form of torture, isn’t it?!?!?!), but I don’t think you can comprehend the challenge until you have experienced it yourself. With that said, it is absolutely worth it. Worth it for the child you are raising, and worth it for a million other reasons. As I reflect over this last month, I can feel the fire and drive within me that you can only experience when you have others depending on you. The software industry is known for successful young singles. However, I feel that certain responsibilities can make you more passionate, more determined, and more ambitious than you would have been without them. It keeps your priorities in check and your values grounded. This is my scope of responsibility and I will be even better for it…


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